Lichen Planus


Avicenna's skin specialist, Dr Al-Khafaji was recommended to me for lichen planus, an immune disorder for which there is no allopathic cure.  Whilst its symptoms for me were fairly mild, my concern was that this was an indication of something deeper.  The course of treatment I have received over a few months has left me markedly more energetic and light-hearted.  Mazin told me that my skin symptoms would improve more slowly, but the benefits are at a more profound level.  

I am very fussy about the practioners that I see - particularly in the field of complementary medicine.  I respect Dr Al-Khafaji for his knowledge and skills but also for that sense that he is very much a person of integrity and balance, who never overstates his work, whose knowledge and compassion are sincere, and who allows the treatment to speak for itself.


I first got lichen planus on my wrists and ankles about 10 years ago.  To begin with I was given steroids to put on, which helped a little bit and slowly the skin improved.  Suddenly, 6 month later, the lichen planus changed its nature and spread to my shins and arms, where they formed big lumps that were dark purple and excruciatingly itchy.  I couldn't sleep at night or work during the day because I was constantly distracted by the itch.  Finally I was sent to see the skin specialist who told me that it was a rare type of the same disease called hypertrophic lichen planus.  He prescribed stronger steroids to put on my skin as well as steroid pills. My skin did improve a little, but when I came off the steroids it got even worse than it was before.  I was at the end of my tether when a friend suggested that I visit Mazin.  I felt I had nothing to loose, and I was desperate.  I couldn't believe what he made me drink and put on my legs, but after about 6 weeks my skin started improving.  After about 10 weeks I could finally sleep at night and the skin really started improving.  In all I took the herbs for about 5 months.  Chinese herbs certainly worked for me, when the strongest drugs couldn't help.  I am indebted to Mazin for his help.


I had a red rash under my left armpit that was extremely itchy, raised and very uncomfortable.  I went to see my doctor after a few days as the rash was getting bigger and worse.  My doctor said it was "Lichen Planus" and that i would just have to wait for it to go away by itself, taking between 3-9 month.  She prescribed me antihistamines for the discomfort, but she added that they would not change the duration of the condition.  Also she said that Chinese Herbal Medicine was the only thing she knew of that could help.  I went to see Markus and he gave me some Chinese medicine and the itching stopped very quickly.  Overnight the rash calmed down and faded and the itching stopped completely within a day.  By three days the rash had disappeared.  I was very pleased and amazed by the speed of the healing.


I consulted with Mazin Al-Khafaji in 2015.  I had been suffering with oral Lichen Planus for many years and was finding it very miserable.  Mazin was extremely sympathetic and treated me over several months.  The results have been astonishing and I am experiencing no problems, and still find it hard to believe.  I would have no hesitation in recommending Mazin.

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