Chinese Acupuncture Treatment

Acupuncture has been practiced in China and the Far East for thousands of years as an integral part of Traditional Chinese Medicine.  It is a safe and effective system of healing that can be used to treat people of all ages with a wide range of illnesses. 

According to Chinese philosophy, our physical health is dependant on the balanced flow of Qi, the universal life force.  The smooth flow of Qi can be disturbed by a number of factors, including emotional stress, anger, fear or grief, hereditary dispositions or outside influences such as poor nutrition, infection or trauma.

Since prehistoric times, the Chinese people have evolved a complex theoretical framework based on practical clinical experience to guide a trained acupuncturist to restore these imbalances by the insertion of very fine needles into energy-channels called meridians.  In this way an acupuncturist aims to stimulate the body's own healing power and restore the innate equilibrium and harmonious state of balance of the physical and emotional aspects that constitute health and wellbeing.

Virginia Wood

Virginia has been practicing Chinese medicine since 1988.

She qualified in herbal medicine in 1994 at The London School of Chinese medicine under Mazin Al-Khafaji and Michael McIntyre.

Virginia spcialises in: Gynaecology and fertility

Read full biography & fees

Acupuncture may benefit a wide range of disorders including the following conditions:

  • Painful injuries and musculo-skeletal disorders including sports injuries, back pain, sciatica, frozen shoulder, tennis elbow, osteo-arthritis, sprains and injuries to soft tissue and their after effects etc.
  • Neurological disorders including headaches and migraines, tinnitus, after effects of stroke, facial paralysis (bells palsy)
  • Menstrual, gynaecological and obstetric disorders including premenstrual syndrome (PMT), painful periods, morning sickness, malposition of the foetus, delayed labour, insufficiency of breast milk
  • Male and female infertility
  • Anxiety states, panic, depression and insomnia
  • Digestive disorders such as irritable bowel syndrome, indigestion, haemorrhoids and obesity
  • Urinary tract diseases such as recurrent cystitis and urethritis
  • Circulatory diseases such as Raynauds disease, intermittent claudication and recurrent cramping
  • Addiction disorders including tobacco, drug and alcohol addiction

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In a study carried out at the University of Manchester, UK, forty-six diabetic patients with chronic painful peripheral neuropathy were treated with acupuncture to determine its efficacy and long-term effectiveness. Patients...

Acupuncture and Face Pain

(i) A retrospective study of 201 patients treated for facial pain by acupuncture over a 10-year period at Crosshouse Hospital in Kilmarnock, Scotland, showed that overall 62.7% reported improvement. For those with...

Acupuncture and Foot Pain

A study on 67 patients with medically unresponsive foot pain (despite treatment by such methods as orthotics, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medication, analgesics, physical therapy, exercise, local injections of steroids and...

Acupuncture and Heel Pain

(1) A report in the British Journal of Dermatology describes a female patient who suffered from bilateral heel pain with the appearance of small flesh-coloured papules on weight bearing and larger flesh-coloured papules over the...

Acupuncture and Knee Osteoarthritis

(1) 44 patents with advanced osteoarthritis of the knee who were awaiting total knee joint replacements were given acupuncture either on the most affected knee only, or on both knees. Points needled were Yinlingquan SP-9, Xuehai...

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