Nodular Prurigo


Dr. Mazin Al-Khafaji is a Guru!

I was struggling with a skin condition due to a new drug I was prescribed in November 2019, which got worse and worse, and had no diagnosis. I saw a private dermatologist who was lovely but could not find the cause. She then referred me to a Professor at UCH NHS. He diagnsoded Prurigo Excoriee which could only be maintained by using orthodox medicine. My skin was driving me insane and it was a battle to control the itching and subsequent bleeding that was making me depressed. A friend had been treated by Dr. Mazin Al-Khafaji and highly recommended him. I immediately organised an appointment to see him in February 2021.

He is a very charismatic man and so knowledgeable about Chinese Herbal Medicine, and immediately diagnosed my condition as Nodular Prurigo. The prescribed sachets of herbal medicine were altered every 6 weeks according to how my skin was improving. They took a bit of getting used to, but I can honestly say they have changed my life. I no longer suffer with persistent itching, and have no new lesions. I was discharged last week on 23rd November 2021. If I get any recurrance, I'll be straight back to see Mazin, I couldn't recommend him highly enough!

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