Shiatsu FAQ

Q.How long are appointments?
A.The first appointment is usually 1 hour and 30 minutes and follow-ups are 1 hour and 15 minutes.
Q.Do I have to get undressed?
A.No — please dress comfortably with loose clothing that covers the whole body including long sleeves and socks.
Q.Does shiatsu hurt?
A.Only in a welcome way — you will be more aware of the relief from pain rather than the pain itself. The practitioner will only apply the correct amount of pressure that allows you to stay relaxed and enjoy the treatment.
Q.Will I feel dizzy after shiatsu?
A.Rarely. Dizziness can sometimes occur as a result of rest and relaxation experienced during the treatment or if you have a propensity to dizziness such as low blood pressure.
Q.Will my reactions be slower after shiatsu?
A.It depends. If you are “running on empty' and feeling very stressed then the shiatsu will relax you so that your underlying tiredness surfaces and your reactions will be slower. Conversely, many people feel invigorated and refreshed after a treatment and their reactions will actually be faster as they are more alert yet relaxed.
Q.What should I expect from my first visit?
A.A case history taking current and past medical history including family history where relevant. A palpation examination of the abdomen, back, points and channels. A face, tongue and pulse examination as well as an analysis of your posture. This will be followed by a treatment.
Q.Do I need to prepare in any way for my first consultation?
A.No — just ensure that you arrive in plenty of time for your appointment so that you are relaxed and can get the full benefits of your treatment.
Q.Do I need to rest after treatment?
A.Not really but if you can keep the rest of your day relatively stress free then that will increase the benefits and effects of your treatment.
Q. Can I drive after treatment?
A. Yes
Q.Can I exercise after treatment?
A.Yes but we do not recommend strenuous exercise as this may negate the relaxed state you have achieved after shiatsu.
Q. Do I need to drink more fluids after treatment?
A. Listen to your body — drink if you are thirsty.
Q.Is there space / time to rest after a shiatsu treatment?
A.If you need to rest after treatment, you can use our tranquil waiting room/reception area until you feel ready to leave.
Q. Can I have shiatsu if I'm pregnant?
A. Yes
Q.Can I have shiatsu if I have a cold/flu?
A.Yes — in fact shiatsu can sometimes help shorten or shift your cold.
Q.I've heard that it can be a very emotional treatment — is this true?
A.Yes — often you will release long suppressed feelings which may manifest themselves as anger, sadness, grief or joy.
Q. Are there any contra indications for shiatsu?
A. No
Q.Are there any medications/supplements that are not compatible with shiatsu treatment?
Q.|Is it suitable for children?
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